Your garage door springs are one of the most vulnerable parts on your garage door opener. They are constantly under stress when you open and close your garage door, and will eventually wear out no matter how careful you are. However, if you have good springs in your garage door and take care of them, they can last up to a decade with very little maintenance or effort from you. It is important when you notice a problem to deal with it as soon as possible. If you do a garage door spring repair in the early stages of a problem, it can help your garage door opener last much longer. It will also keep you from dealing with an opener that suddenly doesn’t work, when you need it to the most. If it is more practical, we can talk about garage door spring replacement.
The springs on your garage door are responsible for balancing your garage door and distributing the weight when your door goes up and down. Spring repairs are common, because your garage door is heavy and have to work so much. Choosing the right springs for your garage door is important, and will keep you from having to deal with repairs or replacements for a long time. There are two kinds of garage door springs: extension springs, which are located on the upper horizontal tracks of your door, and torsion springs, which are able to stretch or extend using torque, and can support more weight. Kings Garage Doors will help you choose the best garage door springs for you, helping you to evaluate them by factors like cost, strength, door type and your own particular needs.